STEM Education in Nigeria

Category : Blog

Through our STEM program, we provide students with the opportunity to engage in real-world engineering problems and demonstrate the practical application of science. This is to help them connect what they do in the classroom with the world around them.

At St Joseph’s college, we taught the students to build a hydraulic lift in demonstration of Pascal’s law of transmission of fluid.#stemeducation#hardware#clintonel

Engineering for Industry Training in University of Uyo

Category : Blog

It was a very interesting experience teaching engineering to engineering professors and doctors at UNIUYO. They learn from you and you learn from them. There is much to share and learn (of course with some technical arguments).

We really need to strengthen Industry-Academia collaboration in order to advance technology and development in Nigeria.Yes, the students were not left out!First UNN, second UNIUYO, we move for more! #E4I#Engineering#IndustryAcademia#CLINTONEL

Supported by

Aspire Coronation Trust Foundation

DME in Imo State University

Category : Blog

Digital Manufacturing Education (DME) is an engineering capacity building program for students and lecturers in tertiary institutions delivered by Clintonel in partnership with Autodesk. We’re training them on modern engineering and manufacturing technologies including Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM).This is in line with our vision to facilitate industrialisation and technology development in Nigeria. #CLINTONEL#Engineering#CAD#CAM